
*copied from my tumblr page*

After getting some advice last week, I was told to journal as a means of catharsis. But of what exactly? I feel calm. However, my mind is on overdrive. I’m not exactly sure of what I’m thinking, but I do know that my thoughts are keeping me from sleeping and keeping me from feeling a sense of relief.

If you would’ve asked me to predict what would’ve happened to me this past week, I never would’ve seen it coming. I won’t go into details, but I have been replaying the entire situation from last Monday night in my head repeatedly since it happened.

I’ve contemplated what would’ve happened had I done things differently prior. Was it possible for me to prevent it? Diffuse the situation? Approach the situation from a different angle?

The entire situation has left me mentally exhausted. Be that as it may, I can’t stop thinking.

I’ve retreated back into my shell and am surrounded by music. Hopefully I’ll be able to pull things from within to share.

Let’s see how this goes.

Phoenix Rising.

Phoenix: A mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth and live through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism or hope. (Per dictionary.com)

This blog is not about the Capital of Arizona, nor is it about that French Indie-Alternative band with the catchy tunes. This is a blog that will chronicle the next chapter of my journey from college man to working man.

My former e-home was a great place to start, but I stopped writing there because I felt as if I didn’t have enough privacy to truly say how I was feeling. My new focus is less on external things and more on me, the man I am and the man I stand to become. I hope to write about things here that I purposely shied away from at my former e-home and to gain further insight into myself.

